A few weeks ago I started a program for staking players with a free poker bankroll. The basic idea is that if you use to analyze your play you can become a winning poker player. While I will be able to help you along by analyzing some of your hand histories and I will make myself available for questions ultimately it is your self-analysis that will help you (along with the tools to do so).
Your free poker bankroll starts with $10 and $50 pending with the ability to earn $100 Initially, I will only be able to offer this deal at three sites UltimateBet and Absolute Poker and Doyle’s Room but soon will be able to support more sites. The only real requirement is that it needs to be a NEW account. All of these deals are the same you get $10 (my money) and then you receive $10 for every 500 raked hands completed, in the meantime, the card rooms supply you with $50 which is pending money that you release as you play. (Before signing up you need to read the two posts below, this program is not for everyone and is not a typical free money or no deposit bonus program)
Poker Money Sign-up Process:
We have made the process as simple as possible so that you can receive your bankroll in the most timely manner. To complete all of the steps usually takes about 10 minutes and the longest step is signing up at the cardroom of your choice typically. Firstly you need to signup. Once you have filled out the signup form you will be directed to a checklist that makes things very simple.
The Plan on Making you a Winning Poker Player
For your first sessions, you should start by playing as low as .02-.04. This will allow you to get used to the software without blowing all of your money at once. Since you are not a winning player yet I want to be able to help you analyze your play, once you sign up I am automatically added as your friend. You will be required to stop playing games if you lose $3 on any one given day (when you are added to the program I automatically get your hands to track your progress) but I will not ask you to stop playing if you are winning. Also, I am OK with you playing 2 tables as long as you maintain the $ 3-a-day loss limit. Try to buy in for the minimums if you can at first.
Since the bankrolls will come out of my pocket these accounts will have rakeback when you are done with the program (rakeback is essentially an ongoing incentive for players to play more), the accounts will require no deposit. So every Friday is going to be payday. If you stay within the guidelines that I will teach you will become a winning player. I have tried to keep those guidelines as simple as possible for you in the beginning. If you lose $3 in one day playing .02 – .04 you have to quit.
If you do not follow the bankroll guidelines you will be considered in violation of the terms of the deal. Winning players use self-discipline to continue producing income for themselves. While it may be frustrating to stop playing when you are losing it is a necessary element of helping your development as a poker player. You have to be willing to learn from your mistakes, I can provide you analysis, money, and my time but it will be up to you to convert that into a winning strategy. Beating the lowest limits possible is simply about patience and introspection.
When can I Play More Than one Table?
As I mentioned you can 2 tables from the beginning. If you post a winning first session go ahead and add a third table, playing more tables will help you with patience waiting for good cards. It also has the added benefit of earning you more rakeback which will be a key element of becoming a profitable player. The key is to not go broke. I would suggest that you would be better off playing lower limits with more tables rather than one table of higher limits because of the patience you will gain.
Why all the Restrictions?
Remember the goal is to be a winner, think of me as Mister Miyagi, if you want to be a winner I just need you to paint the fence for a bit. It will take a few days to assess your eligibility and get you set up and ready to go but you literally having nothing to lose and everything to gain.